Sunday, December 29, 2013

Log Book: December 9th

Conditions: 73 degrees
Location: Brunswick Point

We left our quiet anchorage at Crescent River, wishing that they could all be that peaceful. After dragging our anchor at Kilkenny Creek, it is hard to go to bed on the anchor without some level of anxiety. There was no need for anxiety last night but I still found it hard to sleep. In the morning Dad and I made breakfast and set off for Brunswick Point. Entering the Buttermilk Sound we spotted our same Canadian mates from Kilkenny Creek. Their boat, Beaujolais, was anchored precariously inside the channel. Dad got them on the radio and discovered that their engine had died. We offered Beaujolais assistance and began to tow them through the sound. It was slow going, but I guessed we owed them a favor. Luckily they got their engine running by the time we reached the end of the Sound. Beaujolais soon melted into the horizon, sailing fast in front on us. On our crossing of the St. Simons Sound we made a hard right to pull into Brunswick Point. And who do you think was at the marina there? We docked right beside Beaujolais and reminisced about the lengthening experience that we have begun to share. At the dock office we received a town map, directions to the nearest sushi restaurant, and instructions to stay out of "the bad part of town." Whatever that means. The main street in Brunswick was beautifully lined with trees, wide sidewalks, and park benches. You would never have imagined that there was a bad part of town here, with such a cozy little district in the heart of the neighborhood. After sushi, Dad was drawn into the bar sporting a live band just around the corner. As it turned out the bar happened to be hosting somewhat of live mic night, except with bands. Dad and I enjoyed watching the variety of artists perform immeasurably. We especially liked an older gentleman who sang, jumped up and down, and jammed on his American flag guitar. He was someone's small grandpa going wild on this small stage in front of a handful of bar patrons and he was quite good. Dad and I turned in for the night feeling that we had made a good choice in Brunswick Point. 

What we ate: sushi & pad Thai

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