Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Log Book: February 10th

Conditions: 82 degrees
Location: Marathon part 2

Dad and I had planned on returning to Key West today but we were so tired from last night that we decided to just spend the day at Marathon. We went to a great breakfast joint called The Stuffed Pig and then hit the beach. Sobraro Beach was a public beach just a mile away, it was pretty small but had great facilities. We didn't meet a single sole on the beach who was actually from Florida, maybe they have their own secret beaches they go to. Most of the tourists on the sand were foreigners and not the Canadian kind, they're just neighbors. I was really surprised at the number of Europeans who had crossed the Atlantic just for a week in the sun. After the beach we went in search for the municipal marina and found it in a large bay on the ocean side of the island. We had originally thought that there were one hundred or so moorings somewhere in Marathon. Boy were we wrong, looking out on the bay I saw the most boats I had ever seen in one place. There must have been three hundred boats on moorings so close to each other they looked like parked cars. It was impossible to believe that they had a waiting list for this many moorings. I think that Dad has already begun making plans and taking notes for next time. At the end of the day we grilled out at the end of the docks and watched the sun set. It wasn't as exciting as our day in Key West but it was much more relaxing. Tomorrow we will head back up the Keys to try and make the Miami Boat Show.

What we ate: ribs & sweet potatoes

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