Saturday, January 4, 2014

Log Book: December 11th

Conditions: 75 & sunny
Location: Fernandina Beach

We left Shellbine Creek in the late afternoon, partly because our next stop, Fernandina Beach was a mere twenty miles away but also so we could catch up on some sleep. The anchor line wrapped itself around the keel again. A sign that we need to get farther south, away from the strange Georgia tides/wind and into the calm Florida waters. The anchor didn't drag but we still had a restless night checking and double checking our position. Hopefully our struggle will soon be over. Navigating and anchoring through Georgia has been like a game of Jumangi, you never know what your roll may bring. Fernandina is just across the boarder and into Florida. We chose this spot to stop so that we didn't arrive in Jacksonville too early. My mother is flying into Jacksonville on Saturday so we plan to stay a few days in the city to see her. Dad and I both agreed that we don't want staying in one place for too long to get our spirits down so we will take our time getting to Jacksonville to time our stay perfectly with my mother's. Fernandina was a charming little town, but when we arrived I was skeptical. A large paper mill lay just past the marina. The smell was so strange, a mix of rubber, pine, and sawdust. We spent the night on a mooring and decided that we would stay tomorrow as well. 

What we ate: swordfish & potatoes

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