Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Log Book: October 14th

Conditions: 70 degrees, sunny
Location: Atlantic Highlands YC

Dad and I arrived at a wind swept Atlantic Highlands and it was an unwelcome sight. Even past the breakwater the harbor was rocking with waves and the wind rattled the entire boat. As we got settled in for the night we discussed the plan for our next stop, Atlantic City, 80 miles away. It did not take long for us to decide that we would forgo leaving in the morning and stay the day to restock, refuel, and to tour the town tomorrow. And what a tomorrow it was. When we awoke it was to a new town. The harbor was calm and the sun was high in the sky. I even took out the paddle board, trying to remember everything that our friend Jack taught me about how to maneuver the board properly. Unfortunately, I am rarely one of those people who can try something out the first time and get it right. It takes perseverance for me, but I managed to remember a few tips and stayed out of the drink - this time. Later we took the launch in and in town we quickly found a coffee shop for Dad. It had been 2 days since his last and only coffee of the trip. The sign said 'Fair Mountain Coffee Roasters' but we didn't find any fresh cups brewing. Instead there were at least 20 burlap sacks filled with beans and a gleaming metal machine hard at work roasting. The sacks all had different locations printed on the front. Some said Bali, others Kenya, and still other Colombia. We filled a bag up with some beans from Bali and met the owner, Greg. He used to be a buyer for restaurants etc. in NYC ... a buyer of beans. After restocking we headed back to the boat, made dinner, and prepared for the next day (or more appropriately later that night) when we would leave the Highlands at 4 in the morning to begin the long ocean sail to Atlantic City.

What we ate: grilled shrimp, scallops, clams and salad 


  1. "A buyer of beans" is the best thing ever. The Kenya bag of coffee beans was awesome & I bet your paddleboarding skills are superb.
