Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Log Book: October 28th

Conditions: 68 degrees sunny
Location: Soloman's Island, MD

We finally left Annapolis! Dad and I continued on our way down the Chesapeake this morning, cutting a path through the optis as we left, Dad told the kids to 'watch the paint job' and that the harbor was 'plenty big enough for all of us'. Poor kids. The weather is warmer now than it had been all weekend, a really great day to leave. Not far from Annapolis we passed by a submarine, which we both thought looked a bit ridiculous in the relatively narrow bay. Next we stumbled upon a fish trap, got pretty close to sailing straight through it too. I had never seen one before and I marveled at how stupid it was to put a string of pilings together in the middle of nowhere with no markers to warn the careless traveler, like us. They must be pretty successful though because we saw more and more traps as we traveled further south. I watched pelicans fly by all day, I love bird watching. Every time a pelican saw a fish in the water below it would plummet down in a nose dive, make a big splash, and come up happy. You couldn't say it was graceful but whatever works. We turned up the Patuxent River to spend the night at Soloman's Island. The mouth of the river was flanked by small beaches that led up to pine forests. Breathing in you could smell the sent of the pine oil from the boat. On the south side of the river the trees thinned so that we could see an airport just beyond the beach, but there didn't seem to be much activity coming from it, for now. We easily dropped the hook at Soloman's Island. The harbor seemed to be home to a lot of other boats on the hook traveling south as well. The harbor reminded us of West harbor in Fishers Island, a lot of boats but very quiet. I wanted to go to bed immediately, my cold was just getting worse so after a quick dinner it was lights out.

What we ate: Crazy Chicken (spiced from the Annapolis tea shop), rice

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